+ 49 (0) 2234 933 9884 info@coachingwerk-koeln.de
Business coaching Cologne
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Business coaching for companies and private individuals

Business coaching for companies and private individuals

Globalization, digitalization, management changes or worldwide crises – companies today must constantly realign themselves and adapt to changing circumstances. Employees are also feeling the effects of this: job profiles are changing, tasks are becoming more complex and work is becoming more concentrated due to ever-increasing pressure to optimize . In the face of these enormous challenges, employees and managers often feel disoriented, overwhelmed or frustrated. We offer business coaching to:

  • Companies and personnel developers who want to support their specialists and managers in overcoming these challenges.
  • Private individuals who seek professional support from a coach in a wide range of professional situations.

For every concern you can choose the suitable coach from our team This way, you benefit from our wealth of experience in different business functions and sectors. At home in Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt and the surrounding area, we offer business coaching for managers and employeesin person or online – throughout Germany.

Business coaching for companies and private individuals

Globalization, digitalization, management changes or worldwide crises – companies today must constantly realign themselves and adapt to changing circumstances. Employees are also feeling the effects of this: job profiles are changing, tasks are becoming more complex and work is becoming more concentrated due to ever-increasing pressure to optimize . In the face of these enormous challenges, employees and managers often feel disoriented, overwhelmed or frustrated. We offer business coaching to:

  • Companies and personnel developers who want to support their specialists and managers in overcoming these challenges.
  • Private individuals who seek professional support from a coach in a wide range of professional situations.

For every concern you can choose the suitable coach from our team This way, you benefit from our wealth of experience in different business functions and sectors. At home in Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt and the surrounding area, we offer business coaching for managers and employeesin person or online – throughout Germany.

Business coaching for managers and executives

Business coaching for managers and executives

The reasons for starting a leadership or executive coaching can be manifold:

  • Is your company undergoing a dynamic change process and requires you to think in a new way, to become more agile and flexible and to break new ground? And do you need to take your team with you and motivate them in the process?
  • Do you think you need to change the way you lead and communicate with some of your team members?
  • Are you stuck in a typical sandwich position – leading downward, upward and sideways?
  • Are you in a difficult conflict with an employee, colleague or boss?
  • Have you recently been promoted to the position of a manager or will you become a manager in the near future and need support to settle into your new role?
  • Are you struggling with managing an internationally dispersed or virtual team?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the different roles you take on in the company on the one hand and in your private life on the other?

When coaching managers and executives, either face to face or online – our coaches use systemic coaching methods, taking into account your social environment – i.e. your team, your company and also your family system.

It is crucial to become aware of one’s own goals and needs, but also to recognize and understand those of others. Change of perspective and self-reflection pave the way for sustainable growth in self- and leadership competence.


Employee development with business coaching

Employee development (training & coaching)

If employees are deployed according to their skills and competencies, they can make the greatest possible contribution to the company, feel valued and show a high level of satisfaction with their work. The goal of employee development within business coaching is therefore to discover and strengthen the abilities and competencies of each individual. Possible coaching topics are:

  • Developing competencies and leverageing potentials
  • Developing employees into managers
  • Reintegration of employees and managers
  • Team conflicts
  • Work Life Balance
  • Time management

For some years now, more and more seminars have been offered and guides written on the subject of employee development. But employee development is not complete with a one-time training or with reading a book. Development in a professional context has as many facets as there are people. Using solution-oriented coaching methods, our coaches provide your employees with individual business coaching – in person or online – to achieve a lasting effect.


Employee development with business coaching

Employee development (training & coaching)

If employees are deployed according to their skills and competencies, they can make the greatest possible contribution to the company, feel valued and show a high level of satisfaction with their work. The goal of employee development within business coaching is therefore to discover and strengthen the abilities and competencies of each individual. Possible coaching topics are:

  • Developing competencies and leverageing potentials
  • Developing employees into managers
  • Reintegration of employees and managers
  • Team conflicts
  • Work Life Balance
  • Time management

For some years now, more and more seminars have been offered and guides written on the subject of employee development. But employee development is not complete with a one-time training or with reading a book. Development in a professional context has as many facets as there are people. Using solution-oriented coaching methods, our coaches provide your employees with individual business coaching – in person or online – to achieve a lasting effect.


Resilience coaching

In resilience coaching, we strengthen mental resilience and resilience. Specialists and managers learn how to deal with the challenges of professional life – especially in a world of constant change and numerous crises – and how to increase their performance and satisfaction . Typical reasons for resilience coaching are, for example, change processes in companies, high workloads, reintegration after a break.

With resilience coaching, our coaches support specialists and managers in developing their resilience.

  • to recognize personal resources,
  • Sharpenself-awareness
  • improvecoping strategies.

Through targeted exercises, reflections and discussions, they learn how to deal constructively with stress, crises and changes and develop more inner strength. In particular, our coaches work with managers to develop useful strategies for adapting quickly to new situations, leading their teams through difficult times and keeping a clear head in turbulent times and under pressure.


Business Coaching
Resilience coaching for specialists and managers

Resilience coaching

In resilience coaching, we strengthen mental resilience and resilience. Specialists and managers learn how to deal with the challenges of professional life – especially in a world of constant change and numerous crises – and how to increase their performance and satisfaction . Typical reasons for resilience coaching are, for example, change processes in companies, high workloads, reintegration after a break.

With resilience coaching, our coaches support specialists and managers in developing their resilience.

  • to recognize personal resources,
  • Sharpenself-awareness
  • improvecoping strategies.

Through targeted exercises, reflections and discussions, they learn how to deal constructively with stress, crises and changes and develop more inner strength. In particular, our coaches work with managers to develop useful strategies for adapting quickly to new situations, leading their teams through difficult times and keeping a clear head in turbulent times and under pressure.


Change processes

Change processes in business coaching

Companies are undergoing changes faster and faster. Businesses permanently face pressure to streamline their operations to meet profitability expectations, global competitiveness must be ensured. The current trend towards digitalization is also forcing companies to restructure in ever shorter cycles. The consequences can be organisational and cultural changes, a change people’s tasks or even the loss of their job.

In case of professional as well as private changes, the decisive goal of our business coaching is that you develop new ways to successfully master these changes with your individual skills. We would be happy to accompany you as a private person or the employees and managers of your company to follow this path. Our coaches take a solution-oriented approach and use systemic coaching methods.


Change processes in business coaching

Change processes

Companies are undergoing changes faster and faster. Businesses permanently face pressure to streamline their operations to meet profitability expectations, global competitiveness must be ensured. The current trend towards digitalization is also forcing companies to restructure in ever shorter cycles. The consequences can be organisational and cultural changes, a change people’s tasks or even the loss of their job.

In case of professional as well as private changes, the decisive goal of our business coaching is that you develop new ways to successfully master these changes with your individual skills. We would be happy to accompany you as a private person or the employees and managers of your company to follow this path. Our coaches take a solution-oriented approach and use systemic coaching methods.


Business coaching for project managers

Agile leadership & collaboration

Agile methods and ways of working enable companies to remain successful and competitive by being flexible, adaptable and creative in dealing with complex and constantly changing requirements. Agile working requires a fundamental change in the mindset of both managers and employees. Our coaches accompany this challenging change process with the help of
systemic methods
in person or online so that everyone involved can find their way into their new roles under the given conditions.

The role of the agile manager includes:

  • Creating an environment in which employees are empowered to act independently and make decisions
  • Reduce hierarchies and focus on self-organization and teamwork instead
  • Support your team as a coach and mentor and provide all the necessary resources
  • Establish open communication and transparency
  • Promote knowledge sharing and continuous learning in order to constantly improve both collaboration and products or services

Developing an agile team understanding

Agile teamwork differs fundamentally from teams in hierarchical structures and is characterized by:

  • Self-organized and independent action to work together successfully and achieve common goals
  • Interdisciplinary composition of teams to promote creativity and innovation and to secure all necessary skills
  • Regularly reflecting on the way the team works and looking for ways to optimize in order to continuously improve performance
