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Organisational consulting Coachingwerk Cologne
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Systemic organizational consulting

With systemic organizational consulting , we support development processes in companies holistically and sustainably. Changing markets, digital transformation, social changes and crises make the continuous further development of proven business models, structures, processes and forms of cooperation essential. The ability and willingness of organizations, managers and employees to embrace change and actively shape it is crucial for long-term success.

Do you want to make your transformation sustainable and successful?

Do you already have a clear vision and a common understanding of strategy, structure, roles and processes? Is the target image of the change precisely defined? Does your organization have the necessary personal and digital skills? How open and agile are your corporate culture and mindset in view of the upcoming changes? Is your understanding of leadership up to date and does it support the transformation? How can resistance from the workforce be transformed into active participation? If you are dealing with these or similar questions, holistic organizational consulting and professional support for your change project is crucial.

With systemic organizational consulting , we support development processes in companies holistically and sustainably. Changing markets, digital transformation, social changes and crises make the continuous further development of proven business models, structures, processes and forms of cooperation essential. The ability and willingness of organizations, managers and employees to embrace change and actively shape it is crucial for long-term success.

Do you want to make your transformation sustainable and successful?

Do you already have a clear vision and a common understanding of strategy, structure, roles and processes? Is the target image of the change precisely defined? Does your organization have the necessary personal and digital skills? How open and agile are your corporate culture and mindset in view of the upcoming changes? Is your understanding of leadership up to date and does it support the transformation? How can resistance from the workforce be turned into active participation? If you are dealing with these or similar questions, holistic organizational consulting and professional support for your change project is crucial.

The expertise: What we bring to the table

Systemically sound know-how in organizational consulting and change management is combined with a deep understanding of industry-specific challenges. Our experience ranges from digital transformation processes and restructuring to the introduction of new and agile ways of working and the development of strategy, culture and identity.

Our consulting processes are geared towards your individual concerns and goals. Our consultants work with the models, concepts and structures of systemic organizational development according to Trigon. The well-founded principles include the 4 development phases and 7 essential elements of an organization according to Friedrich Glasl.

7 Essential elements of an organization

7 essential elements according to Friedrich Glsl in systemic organizational consulting

We make a conscious distinction between process support and specialist advice and combine the two where it is beneficial to the overall project.


Development phases in organizational consulting according to Trigon

The common path: how we work

Organizational consulting - Workshop on goal development

Our organizational consulting aims to strengthen the change capability and agility of organizations by working closely with the people affected and the internal consulting and support systems. We see change as a continuous process in which phases of stability and movement alternate.

We design processes as quickly as possible and as in-depth as necessary in order to achieve concrete results quickly and at the same time create space for sustainable change in culture and action logic. In this way, new values and attitudes can already be experienced during the change process.

A central focus is on implementation: through concrete implementation steps, successes become quickly visible and can be directly checked for their applicability and adapted.

With this approach, we want to ensure that organizations can shape change independently and autonomously in the future.


The process design: this is how we proceed

We implement our process steps in individually tailored formats – from small group workshops and team coaching sessions to leadership development and large group events. To enable sustainable knowledge transfer and targeted empowerment, we support the process with tailored training, coaching and systemic mediation.

1. prelude

Together, we analyze your needs, concerns and challenges and create a clear understanding of the current situation. We identify key topics as a sound basis for the further process.

2. process design

We create a customized process design with various consulting and workshop formats that are tailored to your individual goals and framework conditions. In our approach, we take into account the dynamics of your organization, define which stakeholders are involved at what point and how, and lay the foundation for structured and flexible support.

3. target image

Together, we develop a clear and inspiring vision of the desired development for your organization. In doing so, we take into account the interests, needs and potential influence of all relevant stakeholders in the change process.

4. fields of action

Based on the analysis and objectives, we develop specific areas for action. We prioritize these in order to identify the key levers for change and target them where the greatest impact can be achieved.

5. implementation
We translate the fields of action into concrete, implementable measures. In doing so, we ensure that the measures can be anchored in your organization in a practicable, effective and sustainable manner.

6. iteration & evaluation

We design the process iteratively so that we can react flexibly to new findings and developments. Regular retrospectives allow us to review the effectiveness of the measures and adapt the process if necessary.

7. anchoring
We enable people and organizations to sustainably secure the knowledge gained and to shape future changes more and more independently and successfully.


Would you like to find out more about our organizational consulting services or make an appointment? Please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail. We look forward to designing your customized process with you.