Dipl. Hdl. Dr. Claudia Hamm
Cologne and Frechen
Dipl. Hdl. Dr. Claudia Hamm
Specialization & offer
Career & business coaching
- Professional orientation & professionalization
- Career design & application training
- Women in management positions
Learning coaching & educational coaching
- Learning guidance & exam preparation
- Lifelong lLearning & learning skills
- Motivation & goal focus
- Self & time management
Emotion coaching & mental training (wingwave® method)
- Performance coaching
- Exam fear & overcoming blockages
- Belief coaching
- Resources coaching
Online Coaching
Languages: German, English
About me
Since my childhood I have been fascinated by the question of a fulfilled life and a harmonious togetherness. Quite in the systemic sense, it is of great importance to me that indeed “everything is connected with everything” and that every situation has to be considered holistically. I am fascinated by how experiences shape us, what influence the different areas of life have on each other and in what way our perception and our actions are guided by emotions.
Through my studies in business and social education and the in-depth doctorate, I was able to turn this passion into my profession. As an educator and lecturer at a technical college, I have found great fulfillment in initiating and individually supporting developmental and educational processes.
In career coaching , we work together to develop individual solution strategies for your optimal development in a professional context. You will fathom your value structure and behavioral patterns, examine team and leadership structures, and be amazed at how easy it is to increase your self-competence. You can approach the next step in a reflected and strengthened manner.
Holistic learning coaching first takes into account your individuality, your personality and your wealth of experience. After identifying factors that inhibit performance, your resources, motivation, sense of purpose and goal focus come to the fore.
Within the framework of personal coaching , I accompany you confidently in phases of change and rediscovery. You will experience that you already have all the resources to follow the best possible path for you.
There are many different reasons for mental training or emotion coaching, such as performance anxiety, stage fright, overcoming blockades or a desired strengthening of resources and performance improvement. In addition to the use of emotion-regulating coaching methods, the scientifically based wingwave® method provides lasting support.
It is my pleasure to be able to accompany you in systemic coaching on your way to happiness.
Coaching focus
- Career & Business Coaching
Professional Orientation
Vocational retraining & further education
Career management
Application training
Presentation suitable for the target audience
Communication & feedback culture
Women in management positions - Learning Coaching
Lifelong Learning
Educational pathways
Learning strategies & learning competence
Strategies for exam preparation
Writing presentations & technical papers
Learning motivation, personality development
Time & self management - Personal coaching
Time & self management
Value work, personality development
Self-worth, self-confidence, resolutions, goal setting
Work Life Balance - Emotional coaching, mental coaching (including wingwave®), e.g.
Resource Coaching
Performance improvement
Target focus
Performance anxiety, stage fright
Creativity blocks
Exam nerves, learning blocks
Fear of flying, fear of heights
Blockades due to shock experiences
Overcoming inhibiting beliefs
Overindulgence (e.g. of sweets)
- wingwave® Coach (Coaching Akademie Berlin & Besser-Siegmund-Institut Hamburg)
- Systemic Business & Personal Coach (Coaching Akademie Berlin, ECA certified)
- Professional Scrum Master (Scrum.org)
- Dr. rer. pol. – promotion at the Chair of Economic and Social Pedagogy (University of Cologne)
- Dipl.-Hdl. – Graduate Commercial Teacher at the Department of Economic and Social Education (Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne)
- Foreign language correspondent in English (Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
- Continuous training (including pedagogy, teaching & learning methods, seminar design, communication, presentation, moderation, digitization)
My passions
- Systemic Business & Personal Coach
- wingwave® coach
- Learning Coach & Learning Facilitator
- Lecturer at the FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management Cologne in the dual study program
- Supervision & peer review of bachelor & master theses
- Reviewer in accreditation procedures for business and economics degree programmes
- Subject leader in teacher training and teacher in dual study program
Previous activities
- Head of course & member of the extended school management at the vocational college
- Lecturer at the Cologne Hairdressers’ Guild (master craftsman preparation courses, pedagogy)
- Research associate & project collaborator at the Research Institute for Vocational Training in the Skilled Crafts & at the Chair for Economic and Social Education at the University of Cologne
Others about me
Hi Claudia, learning diagnostics, learning rondel, learning circus, motivator, … I didn’t think I could learn so much about learning at my age 😊 and have so gigantic resources. Your tips and tricks are with me throughout my continuing education and help a lot!
Dear Claudia, the coaching appointments are super fun for me. I enjoy the lightness and humor with which you approach the topics. On the other hand, you are very deep and question a lot of things that I take for granted. This always allows me to develop so many ideas that make everyday life easier for me. I benefit greatly from the foresight and big picture view you give me. You care a lot about people and I can feel it.