Dirk Hamm
Specialization & offer
- Career coaching and consulting
- Coaching and training for professional reorientation
- Support of the application marketing
- Support of outplacement / newplacement processes
- Business start-up consulting
- Personality and behavioral analyses
- Leadership & executive coaching
- Employee development (training & coaching)
- Personal coaching
- Project coaching
- Team development & moderation
- In-house training
- Change management and organisational development
Languages: German, English
About me
As a training manager and lecturer in coaching training as well as a trainer and coach for experienced and young managers/people, I have been supporting them in their personal development for 15 years. This often involves challenges associated with promotion to a management position or with a new or reorientation in one’s career. I accompany the new or reorientation holistically, from the potential analysis to the job search to the discussion of contract offers. If a business start-up is imminent, I will support you with my sound business management knowledge and my many years of experience in the financial sector.
Working with teams is another focus. In order to better understand team dynamics, I have intensively studied people’s value systems, needs, personality traits, behavioral tendencies and drivers. If these are pronounced differently, this can lead to conflicts and tensions in teams. The aim of my team development measures is then to solve conflicts, to create transparency and to enable a new view of the situation by means of various systemic methods, such as a change of perspective.
In my personal, business or team coaching sessions I give people the opportunity to get to know their own personality better with the help of the persolog® Personality Factor Model. My clients learn which basic behavioural tendencies they show in a chosen environment, which inner convictions shape their behaviour and how their behaviour is perceived by others. A better understanding of the impact and interaction of one’s own behaviour with the behaviour of others makes it easier to deal with each other and to work together in many areas of life.
I am convinced that there is no right or wrong way, no good or bad way, and that success cannot be assessed objectively. The evaluation lies solely in the eyes and perception of the viewer. Every person is an expert for himself. What is good for one person is not necessarily the right solution for another. That is why it is my job as a coach to help my clients find the optimal path for themselves. The decisive factor here is the use of personal resources and possibilities. These are worked out and activated in the coaching process.
Coaching experience
- Career counselling, coaching and training
Professional reorientation, application marketing, job search, personality development, business start-up counselling
Accompaniment of outplacement / newplacement processes and implementation of professional orientation and application trainings and coachings, conflict management trainings - Leadership Coaching
Leadership styles, dealing with change, power struggles, conflict resolution, communication, appearance, employee development, leading in the sandwich position - Team development in companies
Team coaching: improvement of cooperation, increase of productivity, feedback culture, understanding of leadership, trainings on various topics, team development with the persolog® personality model - Project Coaching
Support for project managers and teams in the planning, implementation and follow-up of projects, both in classic and agile project implementation. - Organisational consulting in the health sector
- Teaching Coach & Teaching Trainer*
- Management Executive Coach*
- Systemic Business & Personal Coach*
- Systemic Team Coach/Team Developer*
- Organisational development according to Trigon
- Certified outplacement and career consultant
- Certified trainer for the persolog® Personality Factor Model
- Professional Scrum Master (Scrum.org)
- Banker
- Numerous and continuous further and advanced training courses – including the “Moderatio-Moderation Method”, success-oriented leadership, communication, personality and effect, transactional analysis, team development with the persolog® Personality Model, project management
*certified by the European Coaching Association (ECA)
Short biography
- Training manager and lecturer at the Coaching Academy Berlin
- Career Coach at von Rundstedt & Partner GmbH, Cologne
- Transfer consultant at Petram GmbH, Dortmund
- Expert Finances at zeitsprung Management Consulting & Coaching
- 15 years of team leadership in companies and organisations in the financial services industry (auditing companies, credit institutions, capital management companies)
- Project management in various business areas
- Industries: Banking and financial services, insurance, management consulting, media, tourism, health care, sports
Others about me
Two years ago I had lost my job due to a restructuring measure. The applications for similar positions had all been unsuccessful. The industry was in a period of upheaval, which meant that it was simply not possible for me to find a new job. The coaching sessions with Mr. Hamm then gave me completely new ideas. I always had the idea of starting my own business, but didn’t dare. When I realized during the coaching sessions that I fulfilled all the requirements for this, I took the step and am now very satisfied. I would like to thank Mr. Hamm for his calm manner and his sensitive approach. So the project could mature steadily in me. My company has a solid financial basis today. Mr. Hamm also provided me with very valuable support in the financing issues related to my business start-up.
The coaching took place in a very pleasant atmosphere. Dirk created a very trusting situation, which also led to the fact that I could “let myself fall” very honestly into the coaching from my side. My intention and my expectations of the coaching were first worked out and delineated. In the course of describing my situation and my expectations on the basis of an example, I myself noticed interdependencies and dependencies, which the coach included accordingly. I found the coaching method “inner team” perfectly chosen and in the course of the intensive implementation I could make the individual influences transparent for myself and also recognize dependencies between the individual influences/voices. Important for me was the subsequent derivation of measures that gave me a direct start to work on and improve the situation. I left the coaching with a very good feeling, because I realized that I can improve my situation significantly.