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Organisational consulting Coachingwerk Cologne
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Organisational Change Management & Consulting

With systemic organizational consulting , our consultants and coaches support companies in change processes and transformations holistically and sustainably. Digital and social change requires a constant renewal of tried-and-tested business models, structures, processes and forms of collaboration in a hybrid working environment. The willingness and ability of organizations, their managers and their employees to change are crucial to success.

Do you want to make the transformation sustainable and successful?

Is there already a vision, a common understanding of strategy, structure, roles and processes? How clear is the common vision of change? Are the necessary personal and digital competencies in place? How open and agile are the corporate culture and mindset in light of the upcoming developments? How suitable is the organisation’s leadershipstyle to deal with future challenges? How can you transform internal resistancein the workforce into active participation? If these or similar questions move you, a holistic and professional management of your change process is crucial.

With systemic organizational consulting , our consultants and coaches support companies in change processes and transformations holistically and sustainably. Digital and social change requires a constant renewal of tried-and-tested business models, structures, processes and forms of collaboration in an increasingly virtual or hybrid environment. The willingness and ability of organizations, their managers and their employees to change are crucial to success.

Do you want to make the transformation sustainable and successful?

Is there already a vision, a common understanding of strategy, structure, roles and processes? How clear is the common vision of change? Are the necessary personal and digital competencies in place? How open and agile are the corporate culture and mindset in light of the upcoming developments? How suitable is the organisation’s leadershipstyle to deal with future challenges? How can you transform internal resistancein the workforce into active participation? If these or similar questions move you, a holistic and professional management of your change process is crucial.

Success factors of our change and organizational consulting

What sets us apart: our change model is based on the three success factors of consulting, leadership and our change approach.



Success factor consulting

We combine systemically based organizational consulting and change know-how with industry understanding and expertise in supporting digitaltransformation processes, agile organizational development and restructuring. Empathic consulting with exceptional skills in consensus facilitation and mediation are what set us apart. We design change processes, workshops and interventions in a targeted, results-oriented and at the same time participative way.

Leadership as a success factor

Change is a management task. Successful change processes require committed, responsible and empowered leaders who motivate their teams and take them on the journey together. Through cross-divisional and cross-functional synchronization and simultaneous active engagement of all affected leaders, we break down siloed thinking and ensure early ownership. One-on-one support & empowerment: Through continuous sparring, personal feedback as well as systemic training, we empower key players in participative leadership, facilitation and transparent communication. As bridge builders, multipliers, role models and coaches, they create clarity and trust in their teams and transform any resistance that arises into active participation. The concentrated simultaneous change investment increases the organization’s readiness, speed and ability to change.

Success factor change approach

Successful change processes require an iterative, participative organizational consulting approach with measurable KPIs. Controlled participation: For targeted co-design by managers and employees at various hierarchical levels, it is essential to consciously define the degree of participation. Here we distinguish between co-designing the target image of the change (the “what”) and co-designing the implementation of the change (the “how”). Involvement can take place in three different ways: 1) Transparent communication 2) Obtaining feedback, 3) Co-creation of the change. Successful change processes require a strong focus. Change KPIs are defined for managers to ensure they take responsibility and the necessary prioritization. Iteration& agility: We work with four iterations. Feedback loops take place during and at the end of each iteration. Adaptation needs for the target state and the implementation design of the change become visible and flow into the next iteration.


Four iterations in the change process

Four iterations in change and organizational consulting

Our change model consists of 4 iterations for a sustainable and successful change process.

0. analysis status quo

At the start of the organizational consulting process, our consultants work with you to conduct an in-depth analysis of the current situation. In an initial workshop, we clarify the assignment and determine the status quo of the change. To do this, we evaluate the possible effects of the change based on the 7 essential elements of an organization according to Friedrich Glasl ‘s system concept and derive initial fields of action. Together, we identify the target groups according to the different degrees of impact and define their level of participation . We define changeKPIs for managers to measure success and agree on the next steps .

Qualitative interviews or a written survey of selected or all employees and managers are suitable for a more in-depth analysis. In this way, we anticipate potential challenges across all hierarchical levels and validate the potential impact as well as action areas for successful change implementation.

System Concept Organizational Consulting

Pace 1: Synchronization & empowerment of leaders.

By means of cross-functional workshops, we synchronize all affected managers and involve them simultaneously in the co-design of the target picture and the implementation planning. In this way, we reduce emerging resistance, break through obstructive silo thinking, ensure early acceptance of responsibility and create a strong sense of community. Through continuous one-on-one support as well as systemic training, we empower your managers in participative leadership, facilitation and transparent communication to conduct their own workshops and dialogue formats with their teams.

The active involvement of managers as multipliers plays a decisive role in this early phase of defining goals and planning the implementation of concrete measures. Only if managers are actively involved in shaping the future from the outset, will they also support the change goals in their teams.

Pace 2: Team Involvement & Change Communication

We accompany your managers in the implementation of the dialog formats with their employees in the teams, as well as in the involvement of other stakeholders, the works council and the HR department, thus creating trust, acceptance and motivation for the joint journey. We advise you on the planning and implementation of accompanying change communication measures and ensure that you speak with one voice as a company, thus creating understanding and maximum transparency among the workforce.

Pace 3: Piloting & Learning Experience

In the pilot phase , we support the responsible manager in planning and implementing the change in an initial sub-area. We identify potential challenges early, review assumptions about the effectiveness and benefits of change, and gather feedback from relevant stakeholders and affected parties to make improvements. In a retrospective, we evaluate the experiences with the pilot team and synchronize the derivation of improvements and adjustments for the entire organization in cross-functional workshops .

Pace 4: Introduction & Onboarding

We accompany and advise your executives and project groups during the controlled (step-by-step) introduction of the change in the various areas and minimize risks and negative effects. On the one hand, the change measures can be structural, process-related or infrastructural; on the other hand, they can concern learning processes, communication activities and measures to transform resistance . We help you organize and conduct relevant training and provide mediation interventions to help resolve emerging conflicts as early as possible.


Coachingwerk services in organizational consulting

Project Management

Together with you, we establish a steering group for the change process. This ideally forms a cross-section across the functions and hierarchical levels of your organization. Specifically, we take over the project management, the coordination of regular meetings of the steering group and the communication with the management, other decision-making groups and committees. In the implementation phase, we advise and support the individual areas and sub-projects for successful implementation.

Workshops & Trainings

Your change process will only succeed if you recognize and leverage the necessary learning potentials. Together with your managers and employees, we uncover the learning potential of your organization and define meaningful learning processes. This means, we will look at personal, professional and methodological competencies on the one hand. On the other hand, we will look at behavior and working patterns as well as corporate culture and values. In the learning process interactive trainingsprofessional or technical training, as well as team coaching or workshops be used on the following topics:

  • Participative leadership and facilitation
  • Communication and feedback
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Leading in a hybrid environment
  • Culture & collaboration
  • Personality development with Persolog
  • Self- and time management

Change communication

Transparency serves as a basis for trustful collaboration and is essential for successfully facilitating organisational change. Together, we develop and establish appropriate recurring change communication activities at all levels. If required, we will also be happy to support you with the content design of your communication measures and with the implementation of face-to-face and online events.

Coaching and mediation

In change processes we encounter psychosocial challenges that often lead to inner resistance among managers and employees. Causes can be, for example, unfulfilled personal needs and values or lack of communication and feedback, lack of appreciation or hidden conflicts. Our consultants support you in resolving the resistance by means of coaching, mentoringand mediation.


Coachingwerk services in organizational consulting

Project Management

Together with you, we establish a steering group for the change process. This ideally forms a cross-section across the functions and hierarchical levels of your organization. Specifically, we take over the project management, the coordination of regular meetings of the steering group and the communication with the management, other decision-making groups and committees. In the implementation phase, we advise and support the individual areas and sub-projects for successful implementation.

Workshops & Trainings

Your change process will only succeed if you recognize and leverage the necessary learning potentials. Together with your managers and employees, we uncover the learning potential of your organization and define meaningful learning processes. This means, we will look at personal, professional and methodological competencies on the one hand. On the other hand, we will look at behavior and working patterns as well as corporate culture and values. In the learning process interactive trainingsprofessional or technical training, as well as team coaching or workshops be used on the following topics:

  • Participative leadership and facilitation
  • Communication and feedback
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Leading in a hybrid environment
  • Culture & collaboration
  • Personality development with Persolog
  • Self- and time management

Change communication

Transparency serves as a basis for trustful collaboration and is essential for successfully facilitating organisational change. Together, we develop and establish appropriate recurring change communication activities at all levels. If required, we will also be happy to support you with the content design of your communication measures and with the implementation of face-to-face and online events.

Coaching and mediation

In change processes we encounter psychosocial challenges that often lead to inner resistance among managers and employees. Causes can be, for example, unfulfilled personal needs and values or lack of communication and feedback, lack of appreciation or hidden conflicts. Our consultants support you in resolving the resistance by means of coaching, mentoringand mediation.
