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Systemic coaching

What is the systemic approach?

Colleagues, friends, family: we are all involved in various social life systems. These systems influence our behaviour – and our behaviour has an effect on the individual systems. The systemic approach builds on this insight. To achieve lasting success, the following points are crucial:

  • The systemic approach looks at clients in the context of all their personal systems at all times.
  • We use systemic methods to make these personal systems transparent.
  • This opens up new perspectives; new paths become visible and enable sustainable solutions.
Systemic coaching

Focus on one’s own resources & changing perspective

In order to solve a problem, it is usually of little use to only research its cause. Oriented on the model of solution-oriented counselling according to Steve De Shazer the systemic approach focuses instead on the resources, the positive, the future and the goal. This approach significantly supports clients in changing their behavior and thought patterns in the desired direction and in finding the solution to their problems themselves.

The systemic approach is based on following insight: There is no truth, only constructions of reality. We all interpret and evaluate situations and events differently. Following this interpretation we construct our own reality, which then determines our behaviour. Often we get in our own way with our interpretations of reality. Once we have declared a situation to be a problem, we will quickly perceive further events as reinforcing the problem. In order to break out of this vicious circle, we need to change our view of things and to adopt other perspectives. Systemic methods make this possible through, for example:

  • the sense-specific experience of desired target states
  • activating existing resources
  • Alternating between associating withand dissociating from one’s own person
  • Adopting a meta-perspective

Selected methods

Below you will find selected sample methods that we use in coaching as well as in team and organizational development:

  • Integrative team development X.0© for motivated, productive teams
  • Conflict resolution with the Conflict Map©
  • Persolog® Personality Factor Model – analysing the personality of individuals or teams
  • Clifton StrengthsFinder from Gallup
  • Virtual Leadership – Interactive Online Training
  • Leadership & Health
  • Systemic constellations
  • Work with inner parts
  • and many more…