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Mediation Cologne
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Mediation Cologne – for companies & private individuals

When we find ourselves in a conflict, whether in our private lives, at work or in other contexts, the positionsof the conflict parties often harden rather quickly. Each party insists on pursuing its own interests and goals, which often seem incompatible. Ideally, the outcome is a compromise, but in reality it is often destructive fight. Neither side wants to give in and the conflict remains non-negotiated and unresolved. Moreover, in a conflict – and this is all too human – emotions quickly gain the upper hand over the actual matter, thus often preventing constructive negotiation and solution finding, and very frequently the conflict escalates to dimensions that one could hardly have imagined.

Mediation Cologne: Our services in Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Essen and Frankfurt are aimed at:

  • Companies that want to professionally support their managers and employees in dealing with conflicts.
  • Private individuals seeking professional guidance in a wide variety of conflict situations.

Through mediation, you migt be able to avoid the considerable costs and time involved in legal proceedings.

You benefit from our wealth of experience in various functions and industries. At home in Cologne and the surrounding area, we also offer mediation – in person or online – in Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Bonn, Essen and throughout North Rhine-Westphalia.


What is mediation?

Where a conflict cannot be resolved without external assistance, the structured process of mediation is used to negotiate, settle and, if possible, resolve it. The goal is to develop a solution that is benefits both parties and to reach an agreement that takes into account the interests of all conflict parties. The mutual agreement leaves neither “winners” nor “losers”, but is factually fair and balanced and creates a “win-win situation”. All parties develop this result together and must agree to it.

The mediator is neutral and exclusively responsible for the negotiation process. He or she has no decision-making authority and does not specify substantive solutions or lines of compromise. The conflict parties participate in the mediation on an equal ground and voluntarily and can terminate it at any time (without further consequences).

Possible causes of conflict where companies can benefit from mediation

  • Conflicts at shareholder, management, executive level
  • Conflicts between employees
  • Conflicts in teams
  • Conflicts with suppliers and service providers
  • Conflicts during restructuring & change processes
  • Etc.

Possible causes of conflict where private individuals can benefit from mediation

  • Conflicts between family members
  • Conflicts in joint-ownership communities or between renting parties
  • Conflicts with neighbors
  • Etc.


Conflict resolution through mediation

The mediation process – Mediation Cologne

The mediator is responsible for the mediation process. He or she ensures that the established rules are observed, shares of speaking are evenly distributed and that all interests, opinions and clarifications are considered.. The mediator guides the process, starting with an initial discussion, the establishment of rules within the framework of mediation, the presentation of the conflict by both sides, the creation of mutual understanding and the conclusion of a joint agreement. The mediator acts as a neutral and impartial person. Responsibility for the content of the conflict and a possible agreement lies with the parties to the conflict. The role of the mediator is defined in more detail in the Mediation Act: In particular, he may never act as a coach, advisor or similar for just one party to the conflict before, during or after mediation.

Mediation Cologne - conflict resolution

Is there a guarantee of success in mediation?

Is there a guarantee of success in mediation? No! The procedure requires voluntary participation of the conflict parties, the mediator has no decision-making authority and is responsible for the process – not fot the content of a mediation. However, years of practice have shown that mediation procedures are helpful and successful for all parties involved in many cases of conflict. Even if a joint agreement cannot heal mental injuries and emotional wounds, it can ensure that the negotiating in a conflict situation can avoid leaving behind only losers (“together to ruin”), but rather ensures that the best possible solution under the framework conditions of the conflict. In addition, further escalation is prevented and the conflict parties have the opportunity to come to terms with the conflict and look forward again.



What’s next?

Mediation Cologne: Are you interested in mediation – for yourself, your employees, acquaintances or relatives? Feel free to contact us. We will be happy to clarify all your questions and conduct a non-binding initial meeting with all parties involved. Alternatively, we also offer personal coaching for conflict resolution.